I highly recommend if you are looking to build a new home that you find another builder because we had the worst experience with Harbor Classic Homes. The craftsmanship is just not there and the project management was down right awfull. We were promised 6" of loam and seed and what we got was more like fill which contained glass, wire and rocks , our yard is horrible after a year and a half. As soon as we closed the builder got his money and we have yet to hear from him. A majority of my neighbors have all had similar experiences with the builder as well and I just cannot believe that this builder wouldn't want to build a quality home and be proud of his work.
I highly recommend if you are looking to build a new home that you find another builder because we had the worst experience with Harbor Classic Homes. The craftsmanship is just not there and the project management was down right awfull. We were promised 6" of loam and seed and what we got was more like fill which contained glass, wire and rocks , our yard is horrible after a year and a half. As soon as we closed the builder got his money and we have yet to hear from him. A majority of my neighbors have all had similar experiences with the builder as well and I just cannot believe that this builder wouldn't want to build a quality home and be proud of his work.